Durezol vs immunosuppressant therapy

Published on September 25, 2024Author: Whatsinaname

Originally, I was diagnosed with APMPPE in 2017, and did not have uveitis, just the beginnings of an epiretinal membrane. Unfortunately, I developed uveitis within the past year, and my new Opthamologist has declared my condition to be Birdshot chorioretinopathy (as I now have tested positive for HLA-A29). I am on Durezol, and have been sent to a rheumatologist in order to receive Mycophenolate. Is this a normal procedure? Which medication works best for Birdshot/APMPPE (with fewer side effects)?

One thought on “Durezol vs immunosuppressant therapy”

  1. Yes, Appropriate to see rheumatologist to manage the immunomodulatory therapy. Starting with Mycophenolate or CellCept is perfect and adding Cyclosporine if needed as second step.

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