Provided by www.pemphigus.org: Dr Chang: New Treatment Strategies for OCP
Differential Diagnoses - Stephen Anesi, MD
Special Challenges - C. Stephen Foster, MD
A Parent's Experience - Andrea Patisteas
A Family Affair - Jennifer Rein
Eye /Joint Disparate Inflammation - H. Nida Sen, MD
The Rheumatologist Perspective - Patrick Whelan, MD, Phd
The Ophthalmologist Perspective - C. Stephen Foster, MD
The Stepladder Approach to Care - C. Stephen Foster, MD
New treatments - H. Nida Sen, MD
Epidemology: The magnitude of the problem & need for early referral - Stephen Anesi, MD
Best Monitoring Practices for BSRC - Henry Kaplan, MD
Identifying the Gaps i Knowledge about BSRC - Albert Vitale, MD
BSRC Epidemiology and Natural History - Albert, Vitale, MD
Determinants of Remission and Cure - Phuc LeHoang, MD, PhD
Birdshot Outcomes with Corticosteroids
Immunogenetics of BSRC - Ralph Levinson, MD
Cortocosteroid Implant Therapy for BSRC - Henry Kaplan, MD, FACS
Navigating the Off Label Use Maze - Frances Foster, MS, NP
BSRC Outcomes with Immunomodulatory Therapy - C. Stephen Foster, MD, FACS, FACR
Biologic Response Modifier Therapy for BSRC - Antoine Brezin, MD, PhD
Definition and Etiology - Antoine Brezin, MD, PhD
The Unknown or Unaccepted Truths about BSRC - Carl Herbort, MD
Drugs in Development for BSRC - Bahram Bodaghi, MD, PhD